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School Council



School Council

School council at Parkwood is a group of pupils who act as representatives for their classmates in discussing school issues with each other and members of staff, as well as local visitors.

It gives children the opportunity to contribute to Pupil Voice in our school. Students are elected by their classmates after a short vote process.  The children help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events, or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly.

School council’s priorities are:

  • Pupil Voice- being able to discuss views and collaborate with teachers to improve children’s learning with a focus on Mental Wellbeing.

  • Be creative when organising different events such as Children in Need, Red Nose Day to encourage pupil engagement and staff participation.

  • Raise awareness of extraordinary people to help broaden pupils’ aspirations