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Keeping children safe is a responsibility that we take extremely seriously. We believe that we have systems in place that have enabled to do this consistently, expanding our own knowledge and processes in line with Government guidelines (for example by incorporating advice to prevent extremism and radicalisation – the PREVENT duty) to ensure that staff are always aware of any child who may not be safe and that they know what to do in this situation.
To achieve this, we use a safeguarding policy that makes explicitly clear to staff the actions that need to be taken should they have any concerns about children. This is supported by regular, updated continuous professional development for all staff and a commitment to train volunteers who come into contact with children in school to also be trained in child protection. As a school, we check the background of all employees and volunteers also through DBS checks to ensure that there is as little risk as possible to our children.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
For all Safeguarding Policies click here: South Essex Academy Trust Policies
Criminal Child Exploitation | Bullying and Cyber BullyingTogether we’re helping young people understand why bullying is never okay and what to do if they experience or witness it. | Child sexual exploitationFinding out your child has been sexually exploited can be distressing and you might not know what to do next. Young people often trust their abuser and don’t know that what’s happening is wrong or are unable to tell anyone due to fear, intimidation and violence. |
Criminal Exploitation and GangsChildren and young people involved with gangs and criminal exploitation need help and support. They might be victims of violence or pressured into doing things like stealing or carrying drugs or weapons. They might be abused, exploited and put into dangerous situations. | Child TraffickingChild trafficking and modern slavery are child abuse. Many children and young people are trafficked into the UK from other countries like Vietnam, Albania and Romania. Children are also trafficked around the UK. | Domestic AbuseDomestic abuse is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a relationship. It can seriously harm children and young people and witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse. |
Emotional AbuseIt can sometimes be hard to know what emotional abuse is, especially when it happens as part of other kinds of abuse. That’s why we’ve got advice on the signs, effects and how to report it. | Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal. We’re here to support you and have advice to help you keep children and young people safe from FGM. | GroomingFinding out your child has been groomed can be distressing and you might not know what to do next. We’re here to support you and have advice to help you keep children and young people safe. |
NeglectEvery child deserves to be loved, cared for and protected. But 1 in 10 children have experienced neglect1. That’s why we’ve got advice on the types and signs of neglect and what you can do if you’re worried about a child. | Online AbuseThe internet can be a great place for children and young people to play, learn and connect. But it can also put them at risk of online abuse. That’s why we’ve got advice and support for you and your child. Together we can keep children safe online. | Physical AbuseIt can be difficult to know what you can do if you’re worried about a child who’s being physically abused. We have information and advice to help you feel confident in taking the next steps to keep children and young people safe. |
Sexual AbuseFinding out your child has been sexually abused can be distressing and you might not know what to do next. We’re here to support you and your loved ones and give you the advice you need to help navigate through a difficult time. | Keeping Children SafeSupport and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child. | Keeping children safe onlineUnderstanding online safety is tricky for all ages. We have advice to help you learn about staying safe online as a family. |
Children’s Mental HealthRecognising the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health can be really hard. We’ve got advice to help you support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm. | Spotting the signs of abuseThe signs of child abuse can be hard to spot. We can help you to recognise the signs of abuse and support you if you have concerns about a child. | Reporting Abuse |
More safeguarding resources.
Our safeguarding policy is designed to bring together lots of different aspects of safeguarding and child protection. In practice, it draws on many sources of information, some of which are included below for a more detailed view.
Keeping children safe in education September 2023
Information Sharing – Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners
Supporting pupils with medical conditions
FGM information from NHS Choices
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 – Feb 2015 DfE guidance