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From 1st April 2022, parents can apply directly to a school for a place in year 1 – 6. This does not apply when parents are applying for their child’s first school place.  For Reception children and Year 7 children starting in September, parents still need to apply to Essex County Council for a place. They can be contacted on 0845 602 2200. Applications in this instance can be completed online at

Please contact the school office and speak to the Admissions Officer if you would like to register your child for a nursery place.  If you wish to apply for a place, please contact the office for our form:


You will be notified within 10 school days as to whether  we have spaces in the year group you have applied for. You will also be notified via a letter informing you if your application has been successful/unsuccessful. If we have spaces in the year group you have applied for, you and your child will be invited for a school tour prior to starting.

A copy of our Admissions Policy and Criteria can be found below:

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Parkwood Academy Admissions Policy 2024-25

Paper copies of information and policies are available, on request, for free, from our school office.