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Keeping Your Child Safe

Keeping our children safe is a responsibility that we all have to take extremely seriously.  We believe that in addition to the systems we already have in place that enable us to do this consistently, expanding our own knowledge can only be more beneficial.  The information for parents below will hopefully go some way to supporting you to keep your children safe. Further information of the Safeguarding procedures and policies in school, can be found here

Keeping Your Child Safe on the Internet

How content moderation can make online spaces safer for your child

Think You Know – Online Safety

Leaving Your Child at Home

Sexual Behaviour in Children

Healthy Relationships

An online game your children can enjoy, looking around the house for hazards:
The Education Officers visit thousands of school children each year in Essex delivering fire safety and crime prevention advice in lessons and assemblies. While we are in the current COVID-19 state across the county, the Education Officers have made their presentations available on their website for children to continue learning from the Fire Service and Police.
 Online Friendships – A Parents Guide 
Peer on Peer Abuse



Sexting and Sending Nudes

Talking to Children About Racism

PANTS – the underwear rule

The 2 Johns – former Essex police detectives – have produced a set of informative YouTube videos to explain the steps you can take to keep your child safe online.

There is national guidance to help keep your child safe, as well as resources and support available in Essex.