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After School Clubs
Page in process of being updated
Details of our new clubs will follow:
After school clubs finish at 4.45 pm promptly and children should be collected from our main school reception area.
Parkwood Academy can also offer a wide menu of extra curricular activities and we have offered:
- Football
- Gardening
- Athletics
- Maths
- Girls’ club
- Choir
- Homework Club
- Music Making
- Computer
- Dance
- Basketball
- Gymnastics
- Art/drawing
- Multi – sport
- Recorder Club
Although these are mostly voluntary and unpaid, the teachers have organised many activities which take place before and after school and at lunchtime. The school often runs netball, athletics, tag rugby, football, gymnastics, which take part in competitive matches and competitions against other schools. As numbers are limited, not every club is available. We do aim to offer clubs across the entire age-range and are always looking for new ideas. If children attend any club it is essential that they do so regularly and that any absences from the activity are explained.
A list of new clubs is distributed termly, these always prove very popular so please ensure you book and pay on ParentMail so that your child can join in the clubs they wish to.