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Paper copies of all our policies are available on request, for free, from the school office.

We have a range of policies, statements and documents which we use to guide the effective operation of the school.  Some of them appear in specific parts of the website related to the area in which they apply (for example, see the ‘Admissions’ tab for our Admissions Policy, or the ‘SEN’ tab for our SEND Policy).  In this section, we have tried to capture other documents that may be useful, or that explain in a transparent and accountable way how we operate in the academy.  Some of these documents are statutory, some we put on because we think they are useful to our stakeholders.

Parkwood Policies:

Parkwood Accessibility Policy and Plan 2024 -27

Parkwood Pupil Attendance Policy Dec 2022

Parkwood Business Continuity Plan

Lettings Policy June 2023

In addition, as we are part of the South Essex Academy Trust, there are a number of policies that apply to all of the academies in the Trust, including those shown below.

  • SEAT Attendance Policy
  • SEAT Anti Bullying Policy
  • SEAT Behaviour and Relationships Policy
  • SEAT Charging and Remissions Policy
  • SEAT Complaints Procedure
  • SEAT Curriculum Policy
  • SEAT Physical Restraint Policy

 Click this link to view SEAT Policies⇒  South Essex Academy Trust Policies

For Safeguarding related policies please also view the SEAT policies page as well as our dedicated Safeguarding page:

